At the Light & Materials Synergy Day in October 2023 more than 80 research posters took part in the poster session. Among these posters, three poster presenters were awarded the Light & Materials Synergy Day Poster Award for posters having a nice visual presentation, being easy to understand and follow while having high quality of the scientific content.
Congratulations to the awardees:
Mattias Ammitzböll for the poster Measuring the quantum state of a photoelectron
Meena Raveesh for the poster Interferometric Quantum Control (IQC) by fs/ns Rotational Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy
Rubina Davtyan for the poster Lightguiding nanowires for single molecule detection with TIRF-level sensitivity
We also wish to thank the poster award evaluation committee for your engagement in the evaluation of the posters!