Light & Materials

A profile area at Lund University

Young Investigator Synergy Award 2023

Frosty magnolia bud in front of the university building

In the 2023 Young Investigator Synergy Award call we received seven project applications.

The projects were evaluated against the criteria of the Light and Materials Young Investigator Synergy Award call by an evaluation panel consisting of Stacey Sörensen (chair), Adam Burke, Jens Uhlig and Zhongshan Li. After the initial evaluation and a discussion meeting, the evaluation panel recommended five projects for funding. Light and Materials management* decided to follow the recommendation of the evaluation committee and fund five projects with 200 kSEK each. T

Young Investigator Synergy Award 2023:

Light and Materials management wish to thank the members of the evaluation group for your engagement and valuable work, and to congratulate all awardees!

Read more about:
the call
the proposals

* For this decision the management group consisted of co-directors Christelle Prinz and Per Eng-Johnsson. Coordinator Tönu Pullerits declared conflict of interest and did not participate in the decision.

29 November 2023

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