Light & Materials

A profile area at Lund University

List of courses relevant to Light and Materials


We ask for your help to compile a list of all courses relevant to education within our profile area. Please send names and course codes of courses and/or programs you think can be relevant for the area of Light and Materials, undergraduate to PhD and commissioned courses. We would also like you to comment on why you believe the course fits on the list/ the profile area and what the students learn in the course.

The aim of the final list is to make an inventory and to expose what courses already exist within the area of Light and Materials, and from there decide what steps need to be taken next. Please send your input to Tönu Pullerits and Mirja Carlsson Möller.

At the below link you can find an updated list of courses that was included in the original application to become profile area. The purpose of this list was to show that there are already a bulk of courses that are of interest to the profile area. The list is regularly updated as we receive input on it. If you have comments on any of the courses listed here (if it fits or not and why), we’d be happy if you’d like to share them with us.

Updated list of courses from Profile area application

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