Light & Materials

A profile area at Lund University

Education in Light & Materials – a first step

Within the topics of our profile area there is already today a strong connection and exchange between research and education, with many researchers involved in teaching courses directly related to light and materials.

To explore the possibilities to integrate and coordinate education initiatives within the profile area Light & Materials, representatives from many fields of education met at a workshop last week. The participants discussed courses and programs that are relevant for students in Light & Materials, ways for how these can be coordinated, how students can be attracted and the role of the Profile area in education initiatives.

The next step is to make an inventory of courses and programs that are relevant for education in Light & Materials and to find out how they relate to each other. The Profile area will investigate how to best promote and highlight these courses and education programs. This workshop was a first step to examining possibilities and potential for education within Light & Materials, it will be followed up by further discussions and activities to maximise the potential for future generations within our fields.

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Education Meetings